Reflexes and their impact on children's success
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Reflexes and their Impact on Children's Success
Are you a preschool or primary school teacher?
Are you a teacher wanting to discover why children are struggling to learn? Do you want to identify the underlying reasons for misbehaviour and academic underachievement? Do you want to know why your children are struggling in the classroom?

Then these workshops are for you. Reflexes and their Impact on Children’s Success covers what primitive reflexes are, how to identify them, how they impact learning, and how to support children’s development out of them.
How children move, can change how children pay attention, balance, develop coordination and have the ability to focus.
You can choose between a 2 or 4 hour workshop which covers the basics of what primitive reflexes are, how to identify them, and how to support children’s development out of them.
Specifically, the workshops cover:
- What primitive reflexes are and how they hinder children’s development
- The link between primitive reflexes, neuromotor immaturity, and children’s development

- Signs and symptoms of behaviours and issues in the class and how these relate to retained primitive reflexes
- How to enhance school success by training the brain through the body
- Current research on how to support children most effectively
The four-hour workshop will cover these topics and others in more detail, while also allowing time for discussion about specific children in your school or early learning centre.
Inquire now for more information by completing the registration of interest form.

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